Quality is the new watchword in health care, it is what we are looking for - and more what we are trying to measure. Drugs, equipment, hospital services, care delivery - all are now questioned, as we seek to measure it to their advantage, and justify their costs.
The idea of using metrics to evaluate the quality of make sense, but only if we can trust the metrics themselves. Otherwise, we risk an updated version of the party always craniometry, systematized false precision that focuses on easily measurable parameters (such as head circumference), which can not represent meaningful indicators for the assessment that we really after (ie, intelligence).
The good news is that the science of testing, the development of evaluation tools has improved over time. We are now better able to recognize the qualities and characteristics of good tests - and to see where they are likely to miss.
We are also getting more comfortable with demanding robust evaluation tools. For example, the FDA approach puts patients reported exceptional results (and appropriate) focus on the assessment tool selected, and demands that they show the features before. On their results
Unfortunately, a critically important area within our health care system, such as the escape depth review is seems to have the way out the expertise of the service providers generally and certified.
Whether you're an X-ray technician, a physical therapist, a nurse or a surgeon, you are required to pass through a maze of costly certification exam. These tests, already considerable assume even greater importance as the health system still sees them as proxies for quality. Certification may be required for employment and admission privileges, and often impact on the reimbursement rate for healthcare providers.
All this makes perfect sense - provided that the certification tests themselves are solid.
Unfortunately, the world of the workforce in the health certification remains a bit like the Wild West, as medical organizations and professional societies certification testing approach with greatly varying degrees of severity - and usually little to no transparency.